Take action to champion trees in Mendip this Tree Week

Published: 29 November 2022

Anyone with a little time and an interest in the natural world is being encouraged to get in touch by emailing climate@mendip.gov.uk.

Tree Wardens gather information about local trees, get involved in local tree matters and encourage practical projects such as tree planting and nature surveys.

A number of volunteers stepped forward earlier this year, thanks to a Mendip recruitment push, and have already made an impact.

In Westbury-Sub-Mendip, a nursery to grow native Somerset trees from seed has been set up. Some 14 volunteers have been trained to identify and record ancient trees across the district. And others have attended tours to learn about woodland management.

Cllr Tom Ronan, Portfolio Holder for Climate Change, said: “Mendip is dedicated to ensuring the future of our district’s precious tree canopy, which is why we launched the Tree Warden scheme.

“Why not sign-up during National Tree Week while the spotlight is on their value, heritage and importance to us.

“We know there are people who care about trees and want to help, but don’t know where to start. By joining our network, you’ll discover practical ways to get involved and feel part of our growing community of tree champions.

“Anyone interested in nature can get involved. No training or experience is needed, just your passion and some spare time. By working together, we will ensure we leave a legacy of trees in Mendip for future generations to enjoy.”

Mendip has some notable ancient trees, such as The Chilcompton Yew, reported to be over 800 years old, and Glastonbury’s famous pair of oaks, Gog and Magog.

To find out more about Mendip’s Tree Wardens Scheme visit our website here: www.mendip.gov.uk/article/11293/Mendip-Tree-Wardens or email climate@mendip.gov.uk to sign up.

Tree Wardens are a national network of volunteers run by The Tree Council.




Media contact:

Please email: media@mendip.gov.uk

Rose Walker, Marketing and Communications Assistant
07825 111646

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